All posts under: Quran

Many people do not choose to learn Arabic, especially in other languages ​​such as Spanish and French. However, just like learning another foreign language, you enjoy many benefits when you take the time to …

Holy Quran High Quality Mp3 Files The Holy Quran Online audio recitation and Quran in Arabic text. Listen to the best quality of authentic and correct recitation of the Holy Quran with translation in …

The Qur’an The Qur’an is the last holy book for Muslims. It has been revealed in stages to the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) over 23 years. Muslims consider the Quranic revelations to …

Muslim parents. Locations in the UK, Norway, France, Denmark, Germany, Canada, Australia, and the US are looking for easy and useful services to learn the Qur’an online. These tuition services are becoming more and …

Hijab is an Arabic word meaning veil or covering, which means “covering, covering or sheltering.” In Islamic jurisprudence, it is generally defined as modest clothing covering the whole body, except the face and hands. …

Surah Al-Fatihah (Arabic: الْفَاتِحَة) Surah, Surah 1 or the first chapter of the Holy Quran. The English meaning of this Surah is called “Opening.” It is classified as the Mecca Surah Surah, meaning that …

The religious text of Islam Islam’s original sacred text is the Holy Quran, which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad PBUH of Islam 1,400 years ago. Gabriel revealed this angel in installments, and it …

What is the Qur’an? The Holy Quran is the pure word of Allah, the Lord of Glory, which was revealed to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) through the angel Gabriel (PBUH) over 23 years. The …

The Holy Month Ramadan Dear Prophet Muhammad Mohammad himself, being the month of his community, Ramadan is also called the biggest piece of the crown of the Islamic year. Muslims all over the world …

Tajweed and its practical application can be master by using a competent tutor. The guidelines themselves can be researched separately, but their proper use only focuses on an experienced tutor on the Qur’an. Can …

The Qur’an indicates the complete status of Muslims, and that is to live, act, and live a good, chaste, and obedient life, especially following the commands of Allah. According to this, their ultimate goal …