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Basic Beliefs of Islam

There are seven subjects of faith in Islam. These fundamental beliefs form the Islamic way of life. Belief in the oneness of God Belief in God’s angels Belief in God’s revelations (books) Belief in …

Muslims Basic faith

Below are the basic six beliefs that all Muslims believe in Islam and Islam religion based on these six beliefs.  Muslims have six central beliefs. Belief in Allah as the one God Belief in …

The Holy Quran

The Qur’an The Qur’an is the last holy book for Muslims. It has been revealed in stages to the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) over 23 years. Muslims consider the Quranic revelations to …

The Hijab

Hijab is an Arabic word meaning veil or covering, which means “covering, covering or sheltering.” In Islamic jurisprudence, it is generally defined as modest clothing covering the whole body, except the face and hands. …

The Fasting Month Ramadan

Ramadan comes from the Arabic root ‘Ramada’ or ‘Ar Ramada’, which means scorching heat or dryness. This name may have two interpreters. Ramadan indicates a burning desire for food and water because it is …

Surah Al Fatiha

Surah Al-Fatihah (Arabic: الْفَاتِحَة) Surah, Surah 1 or the first chapter of the Holy Quran. The English meaning of this Surah is called “Opening.” It is classified as the Mecca Surah Surah, meaning that …